It's been a day of serious thinking, and after taking the long way (and I mean very long way) home tonight I feel I need to blog. Religion is a weird subject for me, and it has been for the past 2 1/2 years. Friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, and even people I don't know are constantly talking to me about the mormon church. Obviously that's because I live in Utah, and I'm mormon. But two and a half years ago I stopped going to church. I stopped following it blindly. I started thinking about WHY I was going. Was I going just because everyone else was? Yes. Was I even listening to what was being preached? Kind of. I was going about it all wrong.
Because of my change in the church-going, I've been asked a lot of questions these last couple years. You know what the hardest thing is? Trying to explain to a hardcore mormon that you don't agree with certain things in the mormon church. Trying to explain that the things going on in my head aren't the same things going on in theirs. Trying to get them to see you're point of view.
I believe in God. I believe that there's somebody there who answers prayers, and who gives us challenges in life so we can grow. I believe in service. I believe in quite a few things with the mormon church. I've seen friends and brothers serve LDS missions, and they work hard at it. But it still just doesn't change my thoughts on how unfair the church can be. Why are stupid, ignorant people praised because they're "religious", when kind, good-hearted people are judged just because they don't go to church? I guess I'm just at a point where I need to find some meaning. I believe that people should be judged based on how they treated others, and how they spread love. Tattoos and piercings? Come on, there are more important things to worry about than if someone has an extra piercing. What about those innocent animals that are getting slaughtered by the guy sitting next to you in church?
Life should be about love.