Sunday, February 28, 2010

one of my many likes.

antique stores. went to one on saturday and looked around at all the knick-knack-patty-wacks.

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black and white doll.
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whitney with the butter churner.
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these glasses make your eyes look ginormous. haha.
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Tuesdai Noelle said...

Hey Adri :)

Really? @ black and white doll.....interesting. At first I just thought my screen was playing tricks on me aha, different indeed. I like it though. Cute tee shirt....and oh @ the glasses....ahe. Hope your weekend is going great :)

Shona said...

Those glasses look absolutely amazing haaa, have a great week :)

Vanessa said...


Love the new header!!

Thyda said...

Your post just inspired me to hit up an antique store to find those glasses! LOL

Maarten. said...

yay for 2nd hand stores

nice blog btw (: (:

Nitin said...

those glasses seem like really serious business. im sure the world seems a whole lot bigger with those on.. :P