Friday, January 22, 2010

road trip!

i am so excited. because in a few hours me, madi, and dani are heading out to st george for the weekend. party over here, woot woot, party over there, woot woot! i'm stoked to see nevershoutnever tonight.
welp, be back in a few days! :)


kELLY said...

that's the coolest music video :)

Tuesdai Noelle said...

Real cool vid! I just found out that you and Madi were bestie's when she made a comment......didn't know that :) You ladies have MAD FUN.....!!! Happy weekend !

Madi Rose said...

BAH. best concert ever! <3 christofer drew!
go look at my last post. it'lll bring a tear to yo eye.
okay maybe.. not so much. but it will definately put butterflies in your tummy? okay im stopping now.

Tine M. said...

i love that band. LUCKY YOU!